An Unforgettable Experience - Totality 2024

Wow - what a day.

Totality 2024: A Community Eclipse Experience was the most incredible event we’ve had the privilege of organizing. The turnout, the vibes, the team and the talent really made it an unforgettable experience. This event came together through the collaborative efforts of Science, Spirit & the sky to witness and honor this once in a lifetime total solar eclipse.

Incredible thank yous to the production team: Caren from Peace, Love & A Fuller Experience for sparking the idea that we should host an event for the eclipse. Matt for calling two hours before Caren & I signed the contract and bringing an incredible new element to the event: Science. Heather for being an organized and communicative team member and smashing out come of the more tedious tasks of event organizing.

Josh Russell for being a very skillful and dependable audio engineer whom I’ve very much enjoyed working with over the years. The staff & volunteers that helped us set up and to run the event. Leah, Georgie, Carter, Felix, Chris & Sadie for working on the general store, raking out the volleyball court and other odds and ends. Amber for being an absolute MVP around the Estate lately. She can do literally anything she sets her mind to. From helping us harvest microgreens and tending to the vegetable garden to installing the new fence around the pond, keeping up with the dishes in the kitchen and on and on and on. Amber just sees what needs to be done and does it. Krystal for absolutely holding DOWN the ticket booth. Holy guacamole, can this woman keep things organized. And to the rest of her family and their friends: Bryan & Dave for power-washing the water tanks & a million other tasks - Peyton & Melayna for crafting us up some signage for the general store and all of them for coming out a day early to help us get set up! Also to Alex & Kenny for being incredible parking attendants amongst other odds n ends. Mike, my love, for going along with every crazy idea I have, encouraging me, telling me I’m pretty and rubbing my feet many nights. My Dad (D.K.), well, for being my dad. Ellie! What an ANGEL! She organized EVERYTHING in the general store, created systems and implemented & taught them to others to ensure top-notch record keeping. She really just showed up and went above and beyond. Leaphe for helping Ellie make the new stage signs! Phil, for working with me on countless build projects but specifically the more-recent stage enclosure & deck roof and for bringing fresh-out-the-oven bread for everyone to enjoy. Jeff, for installing the doorknob in the lodge I’ve been staring at for 2 years & other things. Angela for cooking up and bringing some vegetarian food for Laraaji to eat. Alicia-Marie for working the General Store and taking all of these incredible pictures!

All of the vendors that turned out! 40 Acres Farm, Anna With Intention, Black Cloud Leather by Jim, Bone of Arc (Wesley Claire), Cycle Alchemy, Food Forest Fungi LLC, Hang Loose Creations, My pies, Osgood Family Acupuncture, PLLC, Psychic Healers of Avalon, Roots Mandala (Ashley Dawn), Wild Mother's Offerings

All of the workshop facilitators that brought the magic. Lindsay Mastrogiovanni, Luna Hawks (Jozette Gordon), EdibleSpirit, Food Forest Fungi (Samuel Warren), Tere Marie, Anna Marie, Jersey Geoff, Wind n' Wave Ta'i Chi & Qigong, Sandra Sabene, Planet Womb

Laraaji & Dr. Nikole Lewis

The Simons Foundation for their support in making this event happen as part of their ‘In The Path of Totality’ initiative.

All of the incredible people that bought tickets to this event - it was so wonderful seeing the grounds being enjoyed by so many families from all over the place.

The local businesses that we work with to put this and other events together: Dudley Water, Fulton Blue Bowl, Junco Brewing, Shawn Malone Excavating, Jaysea Distributing, Butler Disposal

Another big thank you to Charles Cirrito for taking these incredible shots and video with his drone during the eclipse!

And anyone else that I am forgetting! You're appreciated and thank you!

Lastly! We still have some merch available from the big event that for obvious reasons, we’d like to part with!


Just reply to this email with what you’re interested in and I’ll get back to you ASAP about payment and shipping!

Thank you all so much!

All my love,

Gabi Gauger

Owner/Operator @ The G Lodge


Springtime Volunteer Opportunities


Meet Your Vendors - Totality 2024